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Freddy Ortiz Professional Bodybuilder

Freddy Ortiz

Professional Bodybuilder

Freddy Ortiz is a bodybuilding legend and fitness model who appeared in numerous muscle magazines during the 1960’s. Originally from Puerto Rico, he moved to the USA at the age of 18 and became inspired by Reg Park.

Only a year later, Freddy appeared in his first competition and placed 2nd. By the time he was 28, Freddy had entered a total of 8 contests – boasting 4 first place trophies and cementing his place among bodybuilding icons.

Athlete Statistics

WEIGHT 185 - 195lbs (83.9 - 88.5kg)

HEIGHT 5'6" (167.5cm)

ARMS 19.5"



THIGHS 24.5"

CALVES 16.5"

AGE 81

DATE OF BIRTH January 1, 1941


PROFESSION Professional Bodybuilder


Competition History

1960 AAU Mr. New York City, Short – 2nd

1962 IFBB Mr. Universe, Short  – 1st

1963 IFBB Mr. America, Short – 1st

1964 IFBB Mr. America, Short – 1st

1966 IFBB Mr. Eastern America, Short – 1st

1968 WBBG Pro Mr. America – 2nd

1968 NABBA Mr. Universe Pro, Short – 2nd

1969 WBBG Pro Mr. America – 3rd

Fitness Modelling

1963 February Vol 5, Num 8 Mr America

1963 August Vol 13, Num 9 Muscle Builder

1963 December Vol 6, Num 4 Mr America

1964 October Vol 6, Num 12 Mr America

1965 January Vol 14, Num 11 Muscle Builder

1965 June Vol 7, Num 6 Mr America

1965 November Vol 7, Num 11 Mr America

1966 May Num 4 Muscle Training Illustrated

1966 June Vol 8, Num 4 Mr America

1967 January Vol 4, Num 1 Muscular Development

1967 March Vol 9, Num 1 Muscle Builder

1968 October Num 16 Muscle Training Illustrated

1969 February Vol 10, Num 5 Muscle Builder


Start of Fitness Journey

Born in Puerto Rico in 1941, Freddy Ortiz hadn’t been born with an athletic physique. During most of his teenage years, the youngster didn’t stand out as an sportsman and possessed very ordinary measurements.

However, he moved to the big apple, New York (USA) at the age of 18 in 1959 with his family – a country where bodybuilding was beginning to hit the spotlight. It was at this point when Freddy saw a muscle magazine with Reg Park posing on the cover; the Puerto Rican became inspired by the legend, and set his sights on achieving a muscular physique.

That same year, Freddy signed a membership at his local gym – embarking on his fitness journey.

First Competition

For the next year, Freddy trained rigorously in the gym, almost everyday of the week – determined to achieve his dream figure. By 1960, he’d attained a shredded physique, and began receiving encouragements from his friends and family.

As a result, Freddy made the decision to enter his first fitness show – the 1960 Mr. New York City (in the short division). Although he didn’t secure his dream start to his career as a competitive bodybuilder, Freddy placed a very respectable 2nd against more experienced athletes.

This gave the youngster the motivation he needed to pursue his first trophy.

Making Progress

The Puerto Rican didn’t enter any competitions over the next 2 years; instead, he set his sights on developing his physique further. At this point, Freddy didn’t have much knowledge of weight-lifting, but he copied the movements he saw in magazines by his favorite bodybuilders

He trusted his magazines, and initially refused to accept the help of personal trainers – becoming known as a ‘loner’ in the gym, as he preferred to workout by himself.

However, Freddy’s own technique paid off. By 1962, the youngster had made incredible progress on his physique – after being complimented by the staff at his gym, the future legend knew it was time to enter his second competition.


In 1962, Freddy appeared on-stage at the IFBB Mr. Universe show, determined to earn his first trophy – and that’s exactly what he achieved.

The Puerto Rican impressed the judges with his shredded physique, placing 1st in his second contest. As a result, he quickly gained recognition as a rising star in the industry.

This early success inspired him to step up his game in the gym and make a name for himself as a bodybuilder.

Becoming a Legend

Over the next 7 years, Freddy entered a further 6 competitions; rubbing shoulders with icons such as Larry Scott, Franco Columbu, and Danny Padilla managing to earn three more 1st place trophies

These impressive victories led to the Puerto Rican cementing his place among the legends of the sport – being considered alongside the likes of Larry Scott, John Grimek and Steve Reeves.

Freddy decided to retire after placing 3rd at the WBBG Pro Mr. America contest. Through his career spanning almost 10 years, the athlete left the sport as a legend, remembered for his strong work ethic in the gym and a pioneer of bodybuilding.


Freddy is remembered for his intense workouts in the gym; as he wasn’t born with the best genetics, he relied on hard work to get results.

The Puerto Rican was particularily known for his muscular arms – which were a ground breaking 19.5-20″ at the time. As a result, he enjoyed training his biceps and triceps multiple times per week.

Freddy always placed an emphasis on the mind-muscle-connection; he made sure to concentrate on his lifts and perform exercises slower, in order to achieve full activation of his muscles. This also meant that he performed more reps and lifted less weights than other bodybuilders in his era.

Workout Routine

Here’s Freddy’s triceps training plan:

Seated Press From Behind Neck – 75% maximum weight, 4 sets of 10-12 reps

Parallel Bar Dips – 2 sets until failure

Standing Triceps Extension with Close Grip – 4 sets of 8-12 reps

Lat machine Pull Down – 4 sets of 10 reps

Overhead Pulley Triceps Pull Down – 75% maximum weight, 4 sets of 10 reps


Although Freddy knew the importance of nutrition, he didn’t follow any unique eating plans. He would constantly eat the same meals, sticking to what worked for his body – enjoying rice, beans, meat and salads frequently.

Freddy believes it’s important that athletes know food is fuel, and that what you eat must be used for energy to sculpt your physique – unlike bodybuilders in the modern era, the Puerto Rican didn’t indulge in any junk food or cheat meals.

Diet Plan

Here’s a typical day of eating for Freddy:

Breakfast – Salad

Snack – Beans and Salad

Lunch – Meat, Rice and Salad

Snack – Beans and Salad

Dinner – Meat, Rice and Salad

Supplement Stack

In terms of supplements, Freddy took:


Idols and Influences

Freddy was first inspired by Reg Park. who he saw on the cover of a muscle magazine; it was Reg’s incredible physique that motivated him to sculpt his own muscular figure and eventually become a competitive bodybuilder.

However, the Puerto Rican also names Harold Poole, Chuck Snipes, and Larry Scott as other big influences in his career.

What We Can Learn From Freddy Ortiz

One thing we can take away from Freddy’s story, is to always chase your dreams – the youngster didn’t waste time in pursuing his ambition of sculpting a muscular physique after being inspired by Reg Park. A year later, he placed 2nd in his debut show, and earned a trophy 2 years afterwards.

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